Video Presentations

This section present you some videos describing some amazing capabilities embeded in the Relavance Core Technology. Disclamer.

Relavance Software S.A.'s Patented Associative Intelligence in Action Patent #8051102, based on white labelled X10SYS interface

20161223 Procurement Dynamic Reporting User Training built by FATEK for SSW, copyright FATEK

20161223 Procurement Dynamic reporting Admin view built by FATEK for SSW, copyright FATEK

AtomicDB Multi Data source Aggregation, Patent #8051102, based on white labelled Atomicdb interface

Creating an Associative Model using CMAP

CAMS interactive Compliance Demo, build by FATEK for an USA University, copyright FATEK


The videos presented on this page demonstrate RELAVANCE ASSOCIATIVE INFORMATION SYSTEM™© capabilities. The fact that some of those videos might have been produce by some ex-partners, under white labelled name does not authorize them to use those materials, use cases or else for their benefits. Copyrighting already copyrigthed material or using copyrighted content to create new documentations is a crime. For more information, click here